KPM 1025

KPM 1025 Concrete Paving Stone Machine is a full automatic machine which is programmed with a PLC microprocessor computer.
It produces serially prefabricated concrete elements such as all kinds of paving stones, kerbstones, briquettes and grass stones.
The mold useful area and pallet dimensions are determined in a way that they can produce two rows of products such as briquettes and hollow blocks.
In each press, 12 pieces of 20 cm briquettes, 16 pieces from 15 cm briquettes and 22 pieces of 10 cm briquettes can be produced by the machine.
Both thin and thick mortar sections are moved on hard chrome column shafts as mold and press.
KPM 1025 can also be manufactured with a single bunker for our customers who wants to produce a single aggregate concrete block with briquettes, hollow blocks and some special blocks where the thin mortar section is not used.